Okc thunder rudy gay

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OKC center Enes Kanter revealed Gay's visit Saturday via social media, posting to Twitter a photo of a locker at the Thunder's practice facility with Gay's nameplate attached, a typical recruiting prop.Īnd Gay might well be a long shot for Oklahoma City, which is over the salary cap and currently can offer Gay only a mid-level exception of no more than $8.4 million. Gay might just be one of many, a player whose name happens to have leaked. The Thunder explores options with a wide range of available players.

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Last October, The Vertical reported that OKC was in “serious talks” with the Kings on a trade involving Gay and then-Thunder point guard Cameron Payne. Gay, a free-agent forward who played the past four seasons for the Sacramento Kings, was in Oklahoma City over the weekend on a recruiting visit. General manager Sam Presti is known for surprises, including the trade he agreed to last week that will bring All-Star Paul George to Oklahoma City, a move that went under the radar until an agreement was reached.īut OKC's interest in Rudy Gay has gone public. So often, the Thunder's moves are mysterious.

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