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His youngest sister followed him off the boat without him realizing and as a result, she disappeared and was never found. He liked traveling, and once they reached a port, he got off the ship and went on an adventure. Many years ago, he and his entire family went on a boating trip. Rantaro claimed he came from a very rich family and that he was raised like a celebrity, and that he has multiple younger sisters, most of them stepsisters. However, it is unclear if this memory of his is a part of the fabrication made by Team Danganronpa.Īfter he successfully joined Danganronpa as a Killing Game participant, Rantaro's memories and past were fabricated by Team Danganronpa as follows. Rantaro Amami was a normal talent less high school boy who participated in the 52nd and 53rd Season of Danganronpa, a famous worldwide reality show made by Team Danganronpa.īefore he participated in the 52nd Killing Game, he attended Hope's Pass High School (望峠高校). History Early Life Before Joining Danganronpa 1.2.2 Attempting the Death Road of Despair.

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